The rules regarding dispute resolution and judicial dispute resolution (JDR) are discussed in the Alberta Rules of Court v. 1 under rules 4.16 – 4.21.
General Mediation Services
- ADR Institute of Alberta Provides information on alternative dispute resolution as well as a free online directory of qualified mediators, arbitrators & other dispute resolution specialists in Alberta.
- ADR Institute of Canada
- Government of Alberta Search for a listing of various “dispute resolution” programs within the government, including family, residential and tenancy, municipal government, landlord and tenant, and others.
- Alberta Municipal Dispute Resolution Services – offers support and training to municipalities
- Law Central Alberta – Alternative Dispute Resolution Provides a collection of links to alternative dispute resolution services and information
- Civil Claims mediation – mediation for Court of Justice civil claims
- Judicial Dispute Resolution (Court of King’s Bench) Judicial Dispute Resolution (JDR) is a confidential pre-trial settlement conference led by a Justice of the Court of King’s Bench. The objective of a JDR is to resolve the dispute so a trial will be either unnecessary, or at most limited to those issues on which the parties do not agree.
Family Mediation Services
- Alberta Family Mediation Society (AFMS) 1-877-233-0143 Non-profit organization advocating resolution of family conflicts through the use of mediation. AFMS provides Albertans with information about family mediation and offers an online listing of qualified family mediators.
- Association of Collaborative Lawyers of Alberta – offers information on alternative dispute resolution and divorce processes, as well as an online directory of lawyers practicing collaborative divorce law and mediation in Alberta.
- Children’s Services Mediation program
- Child Support Resolution Program
- Family Law Dispute Resolution Processes – Court of King’s Bench
- Family mediation and counselling services – Resolution and Court Administration services Mediation is free for qualifying families and is a service to help parents and families in resolving issues that affect their children. Families coping with challenges such as divorce, separation, child custody and access can meet with a mediator to talk about these issues. Through mediation, you may be able to reach a mutual agreement that avoids going to court. Family mediation is confidential and informal.
- Calgary 403-297-6981
- Edmonton 780-427-8329
- Grande Prairie 780-833-4200
- Elsewhere in Alberta 403-340-7187
- Support in resolving parenting disputes – (caseflow conference)
- Family Mediation Canada
Other Specific Mediation Services
- Alberta Energy Regulator – 1-855-297-8311 Alternative Dispute regulation for energy disputes.
- Community Mediation – Calgary 403-269-2707 A charitable non-profit organization of volunteers who provide conflict management and dispute resolution information and assistance through their services and workshops.
- Residential Tenancy Dispute Resolution Services (RTDRS) 780-644-3000 Toll Free within Alberta dial 310-0000 and then enter the phone number. The RTDRS is a tribunal that gives landlords and tenants a way to settle issues without going to court. There is a $75 application fee.
- Alberta Court of Justice Civil Mediation
- Mediation: Building Solutions that Work – Alberta Justice video
- “Settlement Smarts” for self-represented litigants: how to use settlement processes knowledgeably and effectively
Last revised Feb. 16, 2023
- Alternative dispute resolution, by Legal Education Society of Alberta Table of Contents.
- Alternative dispute resolution in the construction industry in Canada, by Harvey Kirsch Table of Contents.
- Bypass court: a dispute resolution handbook, 5th ed. by Genevieve A. Chornenki & Christine E. Hart Table of Contents.
- Collaborative family law: another way to resolve family disputes, by Richard W. Shields, Judith P. Ryan & Victoria L. Smith Table of Contents.
- Commercial mediation in digital era editor Yonca Fatma Yucel Table of Contents.
- Construction dispute mediation : theory and practice by Duncan W. Glaholt Table of Contents.
- Family mediation and arbitration for the self-represented : perspectives of a practitioner and trainer, by Richard W. Shields Table of Contents.
- Family mediation, arbitration and collaborative practice handbook, 5th ed. by Barbara Landau & Lorne Wolfson & Niki Landau Table of Contents.
- Getting to yes : negotiating agreement without giving in, 2nd ed. by Roger Fisher & William Ury Table of Contents.
- Law of ADR in Canada : an introductory guide, 3rd ed. by Duncan W. Glaholt & Markus Rotterdam Table of Contents.
- Mediating employment disputes, 2nd ed. by Barry Kuretzky & Jennifer Mackenzie Table of Contents.
- Mediating estate disputes, by Susan Easterbrook & Francine Herlehy Table of Contents.
- Mediation for lawyers : a practical guide for effective representation of your clients (available online) by Suzanne Handman Table of Contents.
- Mediation guide : navigate the faster, cheaper, kinder process, by David R. Grieg Table of Contents.
- Mediating high conflict disputes : a breakthrough approach with tips and tools and the New Way For Mediation method by Bill Eddy & Michael Lomax Table of Contents.
- Negotiating with your ex : divorce is only the beginning, by Brad McRae Table of Contents.
- Negotiation and dispute resolution for lawyers by Barney Jordaan Table of Contents.
- The fork in the road : which will you choose? ADR: mediation v. arbitration vs. judicial dispute resolution, by Alberta Civil Trial Lawyers Association. Table of Contents.
Last revised Feb. 20, 2025
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