Family Law

Pour des ressources en français, voir Droit de la Famille: Ressources en Français.

This research guide contains information on various family law issues including divorce, child and spousal support. It covers both federal and provincial legislation (both statutes and regulations) as these apply to issues in family law. Precedents set by case law are significant.



Last revised July 25, 2024

Child and Spousal Support

Last revised Jan. 5, 2023

Forms and Precedents

Last revised Jan. 5, 2023

Case Law

For more information on finding cases see our research guide: Finding and researching cases





The following are some of the terms defined within the interpretation section at the start of the

  • Divorce Act, RSC 1985, c3 (2nd supp.).
    • age of majority
    • appellate court
    • applicable guidelines
    • child of the marriage
    • child support order
    • contact order
    • corollary relief proceeding
    • custody
    • decision-making responsibility
    • family violence


Canadian Encyclopedic Digest

The CED provides discussion with annotations to legislation and case law.

Subjects related to Family law are:

  • Family Law (Divorce).
  • Family Law (General).
  • Children.

Available electronically through: Westlaw Canada

Halsbury's Laws of Canada

This multi-volume set which includes coverage of Federal, Provincial & Territorial legislation. Also available electronically through:

This encyclopedia explains the legislation and cases which govern family law issues in every jurisdiction in Canada, allowing you to quickly locate, contextualize and apply the basic elements of the law.

Titles include:




Additional full-text articles are available electronically through:



The Family Resolution Hub aims to provide Albertans with a new way to explore their options and next steps when initiating a divorce, applying for guardianship or renegotiating a parenting arrangement.

Alberta Courts


Centre for Public Legal Education Alberta (CPLEA)

CPLEA is a public legal education organization dedicated to making information about the law available in readable and understandable language for Albertans.


Department of Justice 

Family Law
The Child Support webpage provides access to information about the Federal Child Support Guidelines and related information including:

Child Support

Spousal Support

The spousal support webpage provides information about spousal support guidelines and related information including:

Steps to using the Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines:

Parenting Arrangements and Assessments


  • Divorce
  • Central Registry of Divorce
    Nationwide registry of divorce applications. They may be able to provide you with the court your divorce was filed in but they will not be able to provide you with a divorce certificate.

Canadian Bar Association

Canadian Judicial Council

Centre of Excellence for Matrimonial Real Property

The material contained in this website is intended to assist with the implementation of the Family Homes on Reserves or Matrimonial Interests or Rights Act (the Act) and will provide information on the protections and rights available to individuals and families living on reserves, on the provisional federal rules, once in force, and an understanding of alternative dispute resolution mechanisms.

Other Resources

Disclaimer: As law librarians, we are pleased to provide you this resource for information and research purposes only – It is not a substitute for professional legal advice. We strive to bring you quality and current information in this resource, but we make no claims, promises or guarantees about the accuracy, accessibility, adequacy, or completeness of the information presented here. The sources featured are selected based on professional assessment and opinion, and do not constitute an endorsement, editorial, review, or guarantee.