In this guide, you will find information and resources about Bankruptcy Law.
- Alberta business law practice manual (available online) by Legal Education Society of Alberta Table of Contents.
- Annual review of insolvency law (available online) Table of Contents.
- Bankruptcy law picture book : a brief intro into the law of bankruptcy, in pictures (available online) by Wela Quan Table of Contents.
- Bankruptcy & insolvency law, (available online) 2nd ed. by Roderick Wood Table of Contents.
- Bankruptcy and insolvency law of canada, (available online) 4th ed. rev. by L. W. Houlden, C. H. Morawetz & Janis Sara Table of Contents.
- Bankruptcy and insolvency law of Canada : cases, materials and problems, (available online) by Stephanie Ben-Ishai & Thomas G. W. Telfer, editors Table of Contents.
- Bankruptcy and insolvency law of Canada : cases, materials and problems, (available online) 2nd ed. by Jassmine Girgis, Alfonso Nocilla and Virginia Torrie
- Bankruptcy, insolvency and family Law, 2nd ed. by Robert Klotz Table of Contents.
- Bennett on bankruptcy, 26th ed. by Frank Bennett Table of Contents
- Bennett on consumer bankruptcy : a practical guide for Canadians by Frank Bennett Table of Contents.
- Bennett on receiverships, 4th ed. by Frank Bennett Table of Contents includes precedents.
- Bennett’s A to Z guide to small business bankruptcy and insolvency, 2nd ed. / Frank Bennett Table of Contents.
- Canadian bankruptcy and insolvency law for commercial tenancies, by David Bish Table of Contents.
- Canadian commercial reorganization : preventing bankruptcy, (available online) by Richard H. McLaren Table of Contents.
- Debt collection : a step-by-step legal guide (available online) by James Satin & Marcia Fraser Table of Contents.
- Debt restructuring : principles and practice (available online) by John D. Honsberger Table of Contents.
- Debtor-creditor and collections Law in Alberta by McKay White Table of Contents.
- Frauds on creditors : fraudulent conveyances and preferences by M.A. Springman Table of Contents.
- Honsberger’s bankruptcy in Canada, 5th ed. by Vern DaRae & John Honsberger Table of Contents.
- Priority of Crown claims in insolvency (available online) by Francis L. Lamer Table of Contents.
Last revised Feb. 27, 2025
Forms & Precedents
- Bankruptcy and insolvency law of Canada, (available online) 4th ed. rev. by L. W. Houlden, C. H. Morawetz & Janis Sara Table of Contents.
- Bankruptcy, insolvency and family law, 2nd ed. by Robert Klotz Table of Contents.
- Bennett on bankruptcy, 26th ed. by Frank Bennett Table of Contents.
- Bennett on bankruptcy precedents, 3rd ed. by Frank Bennett Table of Contents.
- Bennett on receiverships, 4th ed. by Frank Bennett Table of Contents.
- Bullen & Leake & Jacob’s Canadian precedents of pleadings, 3rd ed. Table of Contents.
- Canadian forms & precedents : debtor and creditor (available online) by Jennifer E. Babe et al. Table of Contents.
Last revised Sept. 5, 2024
Halsbury’s Laws of Canada is multi-volume set includes coverage of Federal, Provincial & Territorial legislation. Also available online through: Lexis Advance® Quicklaw®
This encyclopedia explains the legislation and cases which govern bankruptcy law issues in every jurisdiction in Canada.
Titles related to Bankruptcy Law include:
Canadian encyclopedic digest (C.E.D.) (Western), (available online) 4th ed.
some sections related to bankruptcy include:
- Bankruptcy and Insolvency
- Receivers
- Debtor and Creditor
Last revised March 20, 2024
Case Law
For more information on finding cases see our research guide: Finding and Researching Cases.
- Annual review of insolvency law (available online)
- Commercial insolvency reporter
- National insolvency review
- Houlden and Morawetz insolvency newsletter (available online)
- The Canadian Abridgment : index to Canadian legal literature (ICLL) (available online)
- Current index to legal periodicals (available online)
Additional full-text articles are available online through:
- HeinOnline Provides full-text access to Canadian and international law reviews and legal journals.
- vLex Justis
- Lexis Advance® Quicklaw®
- Westlaw Canada contains a collection of Canadian journals and law reviews, as well as all articles and case comments appearing in Carswell law reports.
For more information on looking for journal articles see our research guide Finding journal articles, conference materials & theses
Last revised May 16, 2024
- Alberta Courts – Making an application for a discharge from bankruptcy – court procedure booklet
- Bankruptcy basics for Albertans – CPLEA
- Bankruptcy – Canadian legal FAQ’s
- Bankruptcy and foreclosure – Law Central Alberta
- Collections agencies – CPLEA
- Debt and borrowing – Government of Canada
- Debt, collections, & bankruptcy (2020) – Student Legal Services of Edmonton
- Foreclosure in Alberta – CPLEA
- Foreclosure matters: what to do in court – video by Probono law Alberta
- Got debt? – webinar by CPLEA
- Got debt problems? – CPLEA
- Help with debt Alberta – Centre for Public Legal Education Alberta
- Law Now – search the website for articles on Bankruptcy and Debt
- Money Mentors – credit counselling; can help with creditor negotiations and the orderly payment of debts program.
- Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy – Government of Canada
- Consumer Debt Negotiation Service – Edmonton Community Legal Centre
- can help with consumer debt negotiation.
- complete an online application to determine if they can help.
Disclaimer: As law librarians, we are pleased to provide you this resource for information and research purposes only – It is not a substitute for professional legal advice. We strive to bring you quality and current information in this resource, but we make no claims, promises or guarantees about the accuracy, accessibility, adequacy, or completeness of the information presented here. The sources featured are selected based on professional assessment and opinion, and do not constitute an endorsement, editorial, review, or guarantee.