These services can help you to find a lawyer in Alberta or organizations that can provide legal information and assistance.
Finding a Lawyer
Law Society of Alberta – Find a Lawyer
The Lawyer Directory allows you to search for a lawyer by their name, firm, location, practice areas & status, language(s) spoken, and/or gender.
Legal Aid Alberta (LAA) 1-866-845-3425 (Toll Free)
They provide free or low-cost legal services to eligible low-income Albertans in many areas of law:
- Adult criminal law
- Civil law – not including law suits, landlord and tenant, wills and estates
- Family law – child welfare, child representation
- Family violence
- Immigration and refugee law
- Mental health law
- Youth criminal law (all youth are eligible for full representation)
To determine service and financial eligibility answer the questionnaire on their website. Legal aid has offices in Calgary, Edmonton, Lethbridge & Red Deer.
Office of the Child and Youth Advocate of Alberta1-800-661-3446 (Toll Free) or email Provides legal representation for children and youth.
Alberta Legal Coaches and Limited Legal Services – Lawyers who provide limited services allowing you to reduce costs and still have assistance when needed.
National Database of Professionals Assisting SRLs – includes lawyers, paralegals and other professionals offering a variety of services including unbundled legal services and is searchable by location.
Centre Albertain D’Information Juridique / Alberta Legal Information Centre 1-844-266-5822
Provides referrals to bilingual lawyers and legal information.
Last Revised August 9, 2024
Free Legal Assistance
Court and Justices Services (CJS) Resolution and court supports for people in legal disputes offered by the Government of Alberta, Ministry of Justice in collaboration with the courts of Alberta.
Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Toll free: 1-855-738-4747
CJS staff work to:
- help find solutions for legal issues
- offer programs at no cost or a nominal charge
- provide services across Alberta
- provide administrative support to all the courts within the province
Support Services for Albertans
Emergency Protection Order Program – Legal Aid
Free service that provides help to obtain and confirm protection orders.
- Call 911 if it is an emergency
- Calgary courthouse 403-297-5260 – 7th floor South
- Edmonton 780-422-9222 – 3rd Floor North Tower
- Lethbridge 403-388-3162
- Other areas 1-866-845-3425
AJEFA (Association des juristes d’expression française de l’Alberta)
Operates the Alberta Legal Information Centre, which offers legal information, support and referral services. These services are provided in 10 different languages, free of charge. Their mission is to inform the general public of their rights to access legal services in the language of their choice
- Edmonton 780-450-2443
- Calgary 403-619-9081
Calgary Legal Guidance – 403-234-9266
A non-profit legal organization that provides legal information, advice and advocacy to low income Calgarians who would otherwise not have access to legal services. If you can not afford a lawyer and do not qualify for Legal Aid, Calgary Legal Guidance may be able to help. Staff accept or reject applications for assistance on a case-by-case basis.
Unison at Kerby Centre – 403-705-3246
Offers free 20 minute legal assistance sessions for low income seniors over the phone.
Student Legal Assistance (SLA) Calgary – 403-220-6637
Law students provide low income Calgarians with legal services and representation in family, traffic, criminal and civil matters (claims up to $100,000). To determine if your matter is eligible for their services check their website. A small disbursement fee may apply.
Homefront Assist – 403-206-2100
The Domestic Violence Intervention & Resource Team (DVIRT) provide victims support through the court process. Their services are provided free of charge. You must be referred to them by the Calgary Police Services.
Elizabeth Fry Society of Calgary – 403-294-0737 or Toll Free 1-877-398-3656
The Elizabeth Fry Society works with, and on behalf of, low income individuals involved with the justice system, particularly women in conflict with the law. They help with various matters including landlord and tenant, employment, immigration, family and administrative law. They provide information on court procedure, plea options, process and provide assistance filling out forms. They also provide referrals to duty counsel and other community and legal resources.
Child Witness Court Preparation - 403-289-8385
Women’s Centre of Calgary – 403-264-1155
They offer free 30 minute legal advice appointments to women, for preliminary matters and next steps. They do not assist with criminal matters.
Edmonton Community Legal Centre (ECLC) – 780-702-1725
Free legal services are offered to low-income individuals in the areas of family, immigration, social benefits and civil law. You need to fill out an online intake form to confirm eligibility and to set up an appointment time. In person appointments are available in Edmonton and Grande Prairie while all other northern communities have access to phone appointments only.
Elizabeth Fry Society of Edmonton – 780-422-4775 or Toll Free 1-866-421-1175
They work with low income women involved with the justice system, particularly women in conflict with the law. They help with various matters including landlord and tenant, employment and family. They provide access to court workers who provide information on court procedure, plea options, process and forms. They also provide referrals to duty counsel and other community and legal resources.
Student Legal Services of Edmonton – 780-492-2226
Free legal assistance by students to those who don’t qualify for Legal Aid and are not able to afford a lawyer. They may assist you in court in some situations. Check their website to determine your eligibility. Their website is also a great source for information on many legal topics.
Grande Prairie Clinic – 780-882-0036
Provides free legal advice and information to low-income individuals who do not qualify for legal aid. Legal representation is not available.
ECLC – Grande Prairie Office – 780-882-0036
Free legal services are offered to low-income individuals in the areas of family, immigration, social benefits and civil law. You need to fill out an online intake form to confirm eligibility and to set up an appointment time. In person appointments are available Grande Prairie while all other northern communities have access to phone appointments only.
Lethbridge Legal Guidance – 403-380-6338
Provides free legal advice and information to low-income individuals who do not qualify for legal aid.
Medicine Hat Legal Help Centre 403-712-1021
Volunteer lawyers provide legal advice during evening legal clinics. Clients must meet certain eligibility requirements. Legal representation is not available.
Community Legal Clinic (Medicine Hat) 403-712-1021 or 1-877-314-9129 (Toll Free)
Provide free legal advice to people throughout Central Alberta who do not qualify for Legal Aid. The Community Legal Clinic also delivers public legal education and information sessions on various legal topics.
Community Legal Clinic (Red Deer) 403-314-9129 or 1-877-314-9129 (Toll Free)
Provide free legal advice to people throughout Central Alberta who do not qualify for Legal Aid. The Community Legal Clinic also delivers public legal education and information sessions on various legal topics.
Women’s Outreach 403-347-2480 or 1-866-347-2480
Provide legal information, support and referrals.
Help in Court if you don’t have a lawyer
Duty Counsel are lawyers who assist with court matters and court appearances and can offer limited legal advice. Duty Counsel services are provided free of charge.
Duty Counsel for Criminal first appearances
Call 1-866-845-3425 up to 14 days prior to attending court (early appearance assistance) if you require duty counsel assistance for criminal (adult and youth) matters.
Duty Counsel for Civil matters
- Civil Claims Duty Counsel (CCDC) – Alberta Court of Justice – for self represented litigants with civil matters in Alberta Court of Justice. Assistance is not guaranteed. They may provide one free 30 minute session to assist with procedural information, preparing for trials and other appearances, and help with completing forms.
- This program does NOT assist with:
- Family, criminal or corporate law matters
- Matters in Court of King’s Bench or Appeal Courts
- Pre-trial conferences and mediation
- For times in Calgary and Edmonton check their website
- This program does NOT assist with:
- King’s Bench Court Amicus Program – assists self represented litigants in civil matters at the Court of King’s Bench, including Applications Judge and Justice chambers. They can provide legal advice and assistance with court procedures, forms, and trial preparation
- For times in Calgary and Edmonton check their website.
- Emergency protection orders (EPO) – Calgary 12th floor
Legal Aid also provides duty counsel in the following dockets courts:
- Drug treatment court
- Bail Hearings
- Child Welfare dockets – Alberta Court of Justice
- Family Matters – Alberta Court of Justice and Court of King’s Bench — Calgary Courthouse - 10th Floor N (KB) & 12th Floor S. (COJ). Edmonton, Fort McMurray, Grande Prairie, Medicine Hat, Red Deer, St. Paul & Wetaskiwin courthouses.
Calgary Legal Guidance – Domestic Violence
- Calgary King’s Bench N45 -10th Floor – help with family domestic violence family matters.
Elizabeth Fry Society
- Elizabeth Fry Society of Calgary 403-294-0737 Toll free 1-877-398-3656 or
They provide assistance to youth and adults in a variety of matters including criminal, traffic, bylaw, and domestic violence court matters.- Calgary courthouse lobby near entrance
- Youth Criminal Court (courtroom 303) – support on the youth criminal court floor
- Domestic Violence Court (courtroom 508) – triage services and connecting clients to appropriate resources.
- Calgary Indigenous Court (courtroom 1800) – support clients attending CIC with legal information, guidance, and resources.
- Case Management Office (4th floor)
- Elizabeth Fry Northern Alberta 780-421-1175
Located in the Edmonton Courthouse on the 4th Floor North Tower – Provide assistance in criminal court, will help explain court procedures, terminology and provide emotional support.
Native Counselling Services of Alberta – Courtwork program 1-780-451-4002 or email
They provide province wide assistance for criminal and family court matters for Indigenous people.
Court Support Program 1-888-327-7828
Free service for victims of crime and witnesses for the crown providing court information, preparation and accompaniment to court.
Homefront Assist (Calgary) 403-206-2100
The Domestic Violence Intervention & Resource Team (DVIRT) provide victims support through the court process. Their services are provided free of charge. You must be referred by the Calgary Police Services.
Last revised August 9, 2024
Preparing for Court & Navigating the Courts
- Court procedures and hearings – Alberta Justice
- Court process – Centre for Public legal education Alberta (CPLEA) various publications & videos
- Family court assistance
- Preparing for Court – Law Central Alberta
- Representing yourself in Court – Canadian Judicial Council
- National Self-Represented Litigants Project (NSRLP) – Self represented Litigants resources, includes booklets to assist you in representing yourself
- Finding & Filling Court Forms > For members of the public will help answer:
- What court forms do I need?
- Where can I find the forms?
- How do I fill them out?
- What do I do next?
- How to serve your filed documents
- Courtroom etiquette video (Pro Bono Law Alberta)
- A successful day in court – how to present or defend your civil claim
- Navigating the criminal justice system in Canada : a guide for self represented accused, victims and witnesses by Peter Keen Table of Contents.
- Representing yourself in court: how to win your case on your own by Devlin Farmer Table of Contents.
- Journey to justice : a practical guide to representing yourself in court by Denice Barrie Table of Contents.
Alternative Dispute Resolution & Mediation
For additional information see our guide on Dispute Resolution and Mediation.
Translation services
Alberta courts provide translators for criminal and child welfare matters only. If you require a translator or translation services for another matter the services below may be able to assist you.
- Calgary Immigrant Women’s Association (CIWA) 403-263-4414
Appointments are needed. Services are provided depending on immigration status. - Calgary Legal guidance – can translate using the telephone based cantalk translation service
- Centre Albertain D’Information Juridique/Alberta Legal Information Centre 1-844-266-5822
Provides legal information in 10 languages and referrals to bilingual lawyers. - Edmonton Immigrant Services Association – Language bank
Provide translation & interpretation services. - Association of Translators and Interpreters of Alberta (ATIA) – provides an online directory of translators searchable by the language you require.
- Immigrant Services Calgary (ISC) 403-705-8893
Provides interpretation and translation of official documents in over 50 languages through their language bank. - TERMIUM Plus® – One of the largest terminology and linguistic data banks in the world, gives you access to millions of terms in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese. You can find terms, abbreviations, definitions and usage examples in a wide range of specialized fields.
Additional Resources
- Alberta’s Province Wide Service Directory – Provides information on services across the province.
- Alberta Health Advocate – Provides support and advocates for a health care system that is responsive and accountable. Will refer to appropriate programs and services to address complaints.
- Alberta Supports – Provides access to various programs and community services.
- Homeless Outreach Program – Calgary Legal Guidance provides assistance, advice and referrals through lawyer and non-lawyer team.
- Safer Communities Initiative – Judgment free service to all individuals, 24hr. real-time response centre, 365 days a year.
- Service Alberta – Provides information on many topics including consumer protection, housing and vehicles.
- Social Benefits Assistance Program – Calgary Legal Guidance. They can help you with accessing social benefit programs including AISH, Alberta Works and the Alberta/Child Health benefit.
- Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Program – 780-427-8255. Toll Free within Alberta dial 310-0000 and then enter the phone number. This program protect victims injured by uninsured or unknown drivers.
- Sorce – 403-428-3300 (Calgary) – Provides a collaborative service between many Calgary based organizations.
- Help for Victims of Crime Alberta – Find help, financial assistance, community victim services units and other supports if you have been a victim of a violent crime.
- John Howard Society They assist with the transition from prison, may help with records suspensions and offer various other services to help reduce crime. Services vary depending on the location. See the locations below for the one nearest you.
- Calgary John Howard Society – 403-266-4566
- Edmonton John Howard Society – 780-428-7590
- Grande Prairie John Howard Society – 780-532-0370
- Lethbridge John Howard Society – 403-327-8202
- Medicine Hat John Howard Society – 403-526-5916
- Red Deer John Howard Society – 403-343-1770
Disclaimer: As law librarians, we are pleased to provide you this resource for information and research purposes only – It is not a substitute for professional legal advice. We strive to bring you quality and current information in this resource, but we make no claims, promises or guarantees about the accuracy, accessibility, adequacy, or completeness of the information presented here. The sources featured are selected based on professional assessment and opinion, and do not constitute an endorsement, editorial, review, or guarantee.