Do you have a keen interest in issues relating to access to legal information, and are excited to help strengthen, support and re-define law libraries in Alberta?
The Alberta Law Libraries Board is committed to having a diverse and inclusive membership that reflects the population whom ALL serve. Consider joining a group where diversity, inclusion and innovation are valued and supported.
The Board is seeking an individual residing in Alberta to join us and participate in establishing and fulfilling the strategic direction of ALL for a term of up to two (2) or three (3) years.
We are looking for a member who can bring unique perspective and experience with access to justice issues, and particularly those of self or unrepresented litigants. We are actively seeking applicants who have demonstrated knowledge and expertise in one or more of the following areas:
Social Justice Issues
This may include experience in non-profit organizations, or engagement in advancing equitable access to justice
Environmental Knowledge
A deeper understanding of the context affecting Alberta Law Libraries (ex. administration of justice, access to justice, legal information services and resources, public legal education and information)
In addition, candidates should have the following attributes:
- A clear understanding of the distinction between the role of the board versus the role of management
- Business/management experience, including risk management
- Leadership and teamwork skills
- Being open to new and different ideas and approaches
- A commitment and interest in Alberta Law Libraries
Is this for you?
If so, we would like to hear from you!
For further information about Alberta Law Libraries see also: