Canadian Parliamentary Historical Resources
Internet Archive – Historical documents | Statutes
Historical Statutes
Table of Private Acts
Table of Public Statutes and Responsible Ministers
Indigenous Services Canada Historical Legislation | House of Commons
Senate | House of Commons
Historical Debates | Parliament of Canada | Orders in Council
Historical Orders in Council | Canada Gazette
Part I, II & III
Historical Gazettes
Consol. Index of Statutory Instruments | House of Commons Journal
Historical Journals | Federal Courts Rules
Supreme Court of Canada Rules |
Alberta Law – historical
| Statutes
Historical statutes
Historical Statutes
Historical revised Statutes
Proclamations | Bills
Historical Bills | Alberta Hansard
Historical Hansard
Scrapbook Hansard | Legislative Assembly of Alberta | Orders in Council | Alberta Gazette
Historical Gazettes | Journal Index
Historical Journals | Alberta Rules of Court |
British Columbia | Statutes – current & historical
Proclamations | Bills – Legislative Assembly
Bills – B.C. laws | B.C. Hansard 1970-Current Sessional Clippings 1891-1972 | Legislative Assembly of B.C. | Orders in Council | B.C. Gazette | Votes and Proceedings | Rules of Court and related enactments
Court of Appeal Rules
Supreme Court Rules |
Manitoba | Statutes
Statutes – historical
Proclamations | Bills | Manitoba Hansard | Legislative Assembly of Manitoba | Orders in Council | Manitoba Gazette –Archived copies 2013-current online | Votes and Proceedings | Court of Appeal Rules
Court of King’s Bench Rules
Provincial Court (Family Division) Rules |
New Brunswick | Statutes
Historical Statutes 1903-current
Acts & Regulations | Bills | N/A | Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick | Orders in Council Available in the Gazette | The Royal Gazette | Journal | Rules of Court |
Newfoundland & Labrador | Statutes and Regulations
Statutes – historical
Statutes – historical
Table of Public Statutes
Proclamations | Bills | N.L. Hansard
Hansard Index | House of Assembly of N.L. | Orders in Council | N.L. Gazette | Journal | Rules of the Supreme Court
Rules of Provincial Court |
Northwest Territories | Statutes
Statutes- historical 2004- onwards
Historical Ordinances | Bills | Northwest Territories Hansard | Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories | Orders in Council available in the Northwest Territories Gazette | Northwest Territories Gazette | Journal of the Proceedings of the House | Rules of Court |
Nova Scotia | Statutes
Statutes – historical 1996- onwards
Proclamations | Bills | Nova Scotia Hansard | Nova Scotia Legislature | Orders in Council | Nova Scotia Gazette | Journals and Proceedings of the House of the Assembly | Rules of Court |
Nunavut | Statutes
Statutes-historical 1999- onward
Regulations | Bills | Nunavut Hansard | Legislative Assembly of Nunavut | N/A | Nunavut Gazette | N/A | Rules of Court |
Ontario | Statutes
Historical Legislation
Proclamations | Bills
Historical Bills | Ontario Hansard | Legislative Assembly of Ontario | N/A | Ontario Gazette | Journal | Rules of Court – Civil
Rules of Court – Criminal |
Prince Edward Island | Statutes
Statutes – historical
Regulations | Bills | Daily Debates | Legislative Assembly of P.E.I. | Orders in Council | Royal Gazette | Journal | Rules of Court |
Quebec | Statutes
Statutes – historical
Proclamations | Bills | Journal des débats | Assemblée Nationale | N/A | Gazette Officielle du Québec | Le Journal des debats | Code of Civil Procedure |
Saskatchewan | Statutes
Statutes – historical
Regulations | Bills | Sask. Debates and Proceedings | Legislative Assembly of Sask. | Orders in Council | Sask. Gazette | Journals of the Legislative Assembly | Court of King’s Bench Rules
Court of Appeal Rules |
Yukon | Statutes
Statutes – historical 2003- onwards
Regulations | Bills | Yukon Hansard | Yukon Legislative Assembly | N/A | Yukon Gazette | Journals of the Legislative Assembly | Rules of Court |